Individual success rates and earnings may vary. Administrators of GetPaid! have shared personal opinions and proof of earnings merely as examples of potential earnings. The opinions and comments on this web site are not, and should not be construed as, any guarantee of similar results. All blog articles or other information featured on GetPaid! are the writer’s opinions and should not be considered investment advice. Site visitors should do their own research before investing personal funds into any programs featured on GetPaid!
The following is a personal message from the Administrator of GetPaid!:
I am not here to push any pyramid, MLM, or ponzi schemes. I believe in honesty and integrity. I take pride in the fact that the information contained on GetPaid! embodies both of these principles to the highest degree. For that reason, I feel personally obligated to inform GetPaid! visitors that one of the primary objectives of this site is to generate additional referrals to increase my own earnings with some of the services and smartphone apps linked on these pages. Many other sites will try to hide that objective from you and/or put the emphasis solely on an outlandish sum of money they claim YOU can make by following their "exclusive" or "proprietary" business models. Some will even charge you a fee to gain access to the very same information I am providing to you for free!
I believe it would be dishonest for GetPaid! to deny or fail to disclose these objectives. So I have no trepidation in openly admitting to you: MY GOAL IS TO MAKE MONEY HERE TOO! To put it simply, the objective of GetPaid! is to GET PAID!
Many of the survey panels and some of the smartphone apps I've linked to do not offer referral incentives, yet I still link to them for your benefit to help you make the most of your online earning potential. I have not and will not let the existence or lack of referral incentives affect my rankings or placement of the items on these pages.
The smartphone apps can bring in some cash, no doubt, but please don't overlook or disregard the survey and PTC sites. There is real earning potential in the PTC sites if you have friends, family, or co-workers who might sign up as your own referrals. I've already experienced that extra earning potential and I want to share it with you. If you need ideas or tips for generating your own down-line, just send me a note from the Contact page. I am happy to share my strategies with you.
Please look into the Bitcoin, PTC, and other sites. I encourage you to sign up with a few (or all) of them. Don't let the small initial return discourage you; and don't lose interest. If you stick with it over the long haul, you WILL make some money! It will take a little bit of time and a little bit of effort, but it will happen. I CAN guarantee that you will earn money, I just cannot guarantee how much you will earn. Like most conventional jobs, that really just depends on how hard you personally work at it.
And if you haven't already done so from the main page, please fill out the form below to let us know how you found Get Paid!