App Trailers – Smart Money from a Smartphone
I'll admit it. I was an Apple hater. I did not like the way Steve Jobs refused to play nicely with devices that were made by other companies. I did not like using the (obsolete) Apple machines used by my company and all the headaches that came along with them while I had much more sophisticated and powerful PCs at home.
In the mobile market, I started out with a Palm IIIc in 2001 and slowly graduated to other versions of the PalmOS devices until I finally got my first smartphone -- the Palm Centro -- in 2008. That gave way to the Palm Pre+ and the updated webOS in 2010. It was once even touted as an iPhone-killer.
Unfortunately, some poor decisions and lack of funding doomed the new line of Palm mobile devices to a small market share, thus greatly reducing the number and variety of apps developed for the operating system, thus reducing its market share even more, thus further reducing the number and variety of apps developed for the operating system, etc.
So when news surfaced of the new iPhone 5 being released, I finally sat up and took notice (having been burned on my purchase of an HP Touchpad one year before -- but at least I got it at a bargain price).
One of the ultimate selling factors for me came from the large number of notices I'd gotten over the past two years from various online survey panels advertising their mobile surveys. Invariably each time I tried to qualify for a mobile survey I was told that I couldn't qualify without an Android or iPhone.
So on iPhone5 launch day 2012, I came over to the dark side and voluntarily purchased my very first Apple product. My wife had an iPhone4 for over a year at that point and an iPad for almost as long. My Palm loyalties prohibited me from playing with them, even though my wife invited me to on numerous occasions.
Some of my very first iPhone app downloads were in the survey panel field, but I soon became aware of another little goldmine in the iOS app arena. App Trailers is a moneymaker if I've ever seen one! I quickly added it to the content pages on this site, but waited a few before writing a full blog post on it.
Simply stated, App Trailers' schtick is to get you to try (and buy) apps for your smartphone. While I admit that I have downloaded a small number of apps after seeing their trailers using this app, a reasonable budget and limited data space have helped me to exercise some restraint.
App Trailers allows you to view short 30-60 second clips of various apps and theatrical release movie trailers. In return, you earn points which can be redeemed for instant gift card codes or PayPal funds. Some videos earn more than others, some can be watched multiple times. You won't earn a LOT, but if you are busy working on a computer or watching your favorite TV show, you simply need to tap the "Watch Trailer" button over and over again (if watching one of the multiple view videos) and the pennies will eventually add up to dollars.
You can also try your luck at a free daily scratch off ticket within the app to earn a little bit more, or wager some of your credits for an even larger scratch off payout. The app also allows you to check in to see if any paid apps are being offered for free on that particular day.
I signed up for App Trailers in October of 2012. As of this posting I've earned $20.00. Tremendous amount? No. Twenty dollars that I wouldn't have had otherwise? Yes.
If you don't have this app installed, you ARE MISSING OUT on free money. After installing this app, please locate the offer below (in the videos section) and enter "rustyapp" (without the quotes) as your referral code. It will earn you some additional credit!
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