Free Money at FusionCash!
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All posts by GetPaid


Help Save a Life

I’ve added two new apps to the GetPaid! pages recently.  One app for making money, and another that EVERY person who EVER spends even a single night in a hotel room should have.  I may write a more detailed blog on these apps down the road,

Free Money from FusionCash!

An In-fusion of cash!!!

It has been quite a while since I added new material to the blog.  This is primarily because the primary web pages already contain the bulk of the necessary detail and information for Get Paid! visitors to… well… Get Paid! I may not return to


Peko – Peko

I’ve had a number of people email me asking for tips and advice on how to earn money using the Peko app.  Rather than type out the same email response over and over again, I decided this topic was very well suited for a new

Secret Agent

I stayed away from the mystery shopper arena after hearing many stories of scams.  But a  tip back in December of 2012 put me on to Field Agent – a mobile app currently exclusive to the iPhone, but one which will likely spread to other


Clixsense is Cash-task-tic

Of all the PTC sites out there, none compare to Clixsense.  When I first joined Clixsense in 2010, it was pretty much just a penny click site with a great reputation, but took so long to ever earn enough money to cash out. Over time,


Lights, Camera, Action!

Over the past few months, I’ve ventured into a few new (to me) online money making panels.  Last month, I gave a short Jingit review here (which I am pleased to now offer my full endorsement as I’ve consistently earned roughly $1.00 a week over


That’s the Sound of a Cash Register

Relatively new to the survey/mobile app arena is Jingit.  This website and mobile phone app allows you to earn cash by taking quick and simple consumer surveys about products available at your local Wal-Mart store.  After completing initial surveys, you are able to check in

Payment Proofs

No Foolin’! Here’s the Proof!

Anyone can set up a web page and claim to have made hundreds or thousands of dollars by whatever means, but where is the proof?  Once you’ve signed up (and you ARE signing up, right?) you will have the opportunity to visit site specific message

Get Paid!

Business Cards

Today I am launching a new marketing campaign for Get Paid! from an idea a few months in the making. QR codes are popping up everywhere. Store shelves, restaurant windows, magazine ads — they are taking the world by storm with the market flood of